Long Term Care Services

Envision Health Consulting prides itself on being a leader in Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Services. We go well beyond the mandatory requirements of a Consultant Pharmacist. Our pharmacists provide detailed visit reports based on the findings of each inspection. Our recommendations are customized to the needs of each facility and delivered directly to the facility and provider. We make every effort to attend all monthly meetings and be a part of the Psychoactive Committees, as well as assist with Antibiotic Stewardship Protocols. Other regular services include adverse drug event evaluations and monitoring of psychoactive utilization. With such a national focus on reducing the number of psychoactive medications used in the elderly, our consultants aggressively track and document all taper attempts and are specifically trained in techniques to reduce the need for these medications in your facility. We also perform Medication Regimen Reviews when requested for condition changes or falls. We provide a summary of recommendations in our reports for easy tracking by the facility.

All Consultant reports are posted to this website for HIPAA secure access by the pharmacy and the facility any time 24/7.

“Our goal is to provide the BEST pharmacy consultant care to facility residents, and provide all facility, medical staffs, and provider pharmacies with the best level of support possible”

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